Did you know that it's actually cheaper to retain a customer than to acquire a new one? This year, instead of spending time acquiring more customers, perhaps you can focus more on retaining the ones you already have. It's really not hard. In this article, we will talk about how top salon software can do wonders for client retention and how you can use it for this purpose. If you're not using salon software already, then this article will probably convince you to give it a try. Let's see how salon management software can help with client retention. Determining Your Clients to Book AgainIf a client enjoyed being pampered at your salon, then they'll have no problem coming back. The only thing which might stop them from doing this is forgetting to make an appointment. Yes, it's true. Your clients have busy lives, so they may forget about booking again with you. Luckily, top salon software come with a feature which allows you to remind your clients about making an appointment. Think about it. If a previous happy client sees an email from you which makes it easy for them to book, they won't hesitate in doing it. Client retention is all about making people come back to your salon. Reminders are a great way to ensure they don't forget about you. Turning One-Time Customers into RegularsAs we said at the beginning of the article, financially, it's best to focus on turning even your one-time clients into loyal ones. Realistically, you won't be able to do this with every person who enters your salon, but you can definitely try your best here. With top salon software, you can enter important details about the visit of every client. This can help you later on when you are doing the follow-up. Asking about their experience at your salon is extremely important. Happy clients will always come back and they will even recommend you to their friends. If for some reason, any client leaves your salon feeling unhappy or disappointed, you should know about this to act on it. Clients Love a Good OfferThere are various types of offers you can create for your client base. From happy hour, special occasion packages, to personalized offers, you can do them all with top salon software. What's even better is you don't need to send these manually every time because you can automate them. Salon offers help you build customer loyalty and they also make your clients happy because they can take advantage of great deals. You can even build a loyalty program with salon software. We can discuss this in a separate article if you'd like. Are You Using Top Salon Software for Client Retention?If you're not, then go ahead and discover the amazing features which SalonTouch software can offer. Do you want to save time and money? Then you definitely need salon software. Feel free to contact us if you want to find out more about our salon solutions. Comments are closed.
March 2020
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