SalonTouch 10 has over 250 reports, many of which can be exported to excel, word and more. With reports such as Cost Analysis, Detailed Daily Sales, Inventory, EFT activities,Employee commissions, tanning bed usage stats and many others, you’re able to gain insight into your business, stay on top of your gameand make sound business decisions instantly. All reports can easily be exported to many types of formats.
Salon Sales Averages
Easily generate Sales Average Reports based on various time frames and sales totals to understand the buying trends of clients and how each employee is performing.
Employee Time Cards, Schedules, Activity, more.
Get a full status on all your employees’ sales activities, commissions, time cards and schedules. Creating to-do-list for individual employees is a snap and keeps them organized and motivated throughout the day.
Product Inventory
Quickly view existing product inventory and price lists. Obtain a list of existing services, prices and service restrictions at a glance to better plan your business strategies and activities. View the local salon or selected salons or all salons.