When the salon management software doesn't work because the internet is down, or the computer using the software to book appointments crashes, what do you do?
When someone is waiting and gets upset, annoyed and starts yelling at you, what do you want to do? Yell back? Start arguing? Run away? While these may be things that you WANT to do, if you plan on keeping your business AND clients, the answer is none of the above. What can you do? Here are seven practical steps you can use the next time you find yourself in a situation with an irate client. Step #1: Take A Deep Breath And Relax This is ABSOLUTELY vital. While it may sound silly to take a deep breath, you’ll find that it will do wonders. You see, when you are thrust into a high energy situation such as an argument, your heart starts racing, you start sweating and you go into fight or flight mode. When you take a deep breath and bring yourself back down, you can start to slow down your heart rate, which in turn also helps you to relax. If you start getting upset and start yelling, then you will only be adding fuel to the fire. Think about it. When you argue with someone, what do they end up doing? That’s right, they argue right back. If you keep calm and they start yelling at you, it will be hard for them to KEEP yelling at you. Just think about it yourself, how silly would you feel yelling at someone that wasn’t yelling back. Key Point: Keep Your Cool Step #2: Mentally Step Into Their Shoes When all you can see is what they are doing wrong, it will be difficult to grasp their point of view. If you can’t see why they are so upset, it will be easy for you to brush them off OR not want to help them at all. Take a step back and put yourself in their shoes. What are you hearing? How would you feel if you were in their position? How would you want to be treated in this situation? If you hear things like they will be late getting back to work or late to pick up their kids, put yourself in their position. Imagine what it would be like getting yelled at by your supervisor, or worrying that something may have happened to their children. When you put yourself in their shoes, you can better come up with a solution for them instead of wanting to just walk away. Key Point: See Through Their Eyes Step #3: Listen, No REALLY Listen Actively listen to what they are saying. People know when you are being insincere and know when you don’t really care. If you find yourself being dismissive with quick responses like “Mmm Hmm,” “Yes,” or “Yeah,” then they will catch on quickly that you don’t really care. Keep your attention on them, keep eye contact and respond to what they are saying with actual responses, like confirming what you hear. Things like, “What I hear you saying is that you’ve been waiting for 30 minutes and just want to re‐book your salon appointment?’ Key Point: ACTUALLY Listen To What They Are Saying Step #4: Offer Solutions One option that needs to be mentioned is that a salon needs to have a backup plan in the event their internet goes down or their computer stops working. There needs to be A PLAN in place so the business can continue to run while these outages are happening. So the owner need to have steps in place that their employees can follow. Employees should know exactly what to do in such a crisis. After all, people were operating businesses thousands of years before computers and the internet. One thing a business does not what to do is turn away a paying client. Once you have seen things from their point of view and listened to what their true concerns are, you can now offer up some solutions. Think of the best win‐win scenarios possible. Perhaps something like: “I apologize for the long wait today, we are just really short staffed and appreciate your patience. In addition, our salon software is held up since the internet is down and we are waiting for help. We can book you for another day and give you an additional discount for inconveniencing you. What we can also do is give you some added services free of charge, and a discount if you would like to wait until we can see you today.” If it’s in you power or authority then do what you can. If it’s not, be sure to check with your supervisor before you do so and start making empty promises. Key Point: Problem Solve Step #5: Apologize Some people assume that apologizing means you are admitting that you did something wrong. This is not the case. You can apologize and not say you were in the wrong. This is especially true if they are irate through nothing that you did. You can say something such as “I am sorry you feel that way, is there anything else I can do to make this better?” As you can see, you haven’t said you messed up, BUT you are giving them an apology. Of course if you were at fault, then admit to it. Key Point: Say Sorry Step #6: Don’t Take It Personally What you need to understand is that the person is not mad at you. The person is mad at the situation and you just happened to be the closest human being around to yell at. You may even find that it wasn’t anything you OR your company did. You just may find that they were having a bad day to begin with and you just happened to be in their path. Key Point: Remember That It Isn’t About You Personally Step #7: Go The Extra Mile Once you have done the steps above and found options for solutions, ask this one key line: “Is there anything else I can do?” People just want to be heard, they want to know that people are listening and that they care. Once you have done the steps mentioned above and shown that you are trying your best to help them, go the extra mile and just ask if there is anything else you can do. You’d be surprised at the reaction you will get. You may not feel like it, but trust us when we say that going the extra mile will do wonders in keeping the peace AND keeping that client in the long run. Key Point: Go Above And Beyond And Ask What Else You Can Do It is never fun when you have to deal with an irate client, but the fact of the matter is that you will eventually. Keep these seven steps in mind the next time a situation arises and you will be much better off AND you won’t leave a mess of angry clients in your wake. Have you ever dealt with an irate client and what did you do? Let's continue the conversation in the comments below. Also, share this post on social media to spread the word on how to deal with customers. Every business owner wants to operate a business which is successful. In order to accomplish this, they often focus on providing the best products, unique services, and hiring fabulous employees. An area they don’t always focus on is their management style – and this is something which can make or break your business. We find some business owners don’t take the necessary steps to create a work environment which is conducive to higher productivity, increase profitability, happy employees, and repeat customers. To help you achieve those business goals, we wanted to share with you some of the best management tips we’ve come across. Plus, we’ll show you how salon POS software can help take salon management to the next level, which will benefit you, your employees, and your clientele. 3 Salon Management Tips Which Will Help You Operate a Successful Business
To ensure you achieve the level of success you want in business, try implementing these three tips. 1. Create a Positive Environment A positive environment is one where you, your clients, and your employees are all happy and enjoy coming into the salon. Unfortunately, negativity can quickly take over when there is a lack of communication and misunderstandings. If this happens, you’ll notice there’s a tense atmosphere surrounding you. And it’s not just something you feel – patrons can feel it, too. Another reason so many places of business aren’t emotionally comfortable is because the employees aren’t taken into consideration. Sometimes, a boss or manager can view an employee as a machine instead of a person. They don’t make time to talk to their employees or get feedback. As the manager of your establishment, a healthy environment starts with you. Make sure you have an open communication policy. Communicate regularly, ask for your employees’ feedback, and make them feel welcome to approach you to get something off their chest. 2. Set Goals for Yourself and Your Team Everyone needs to have some direction – a goal to strive for. Having goals gives people a sense of purpose, and they can help take your business from so-so to extremely profitable. Discuss financial goals with your team. Get input from them and find out how they think they can reach their professional goals. It’s important to not only set goals, but to have a system of regularly checking the progress of each team member and seeing how they’re performing. Believe us – your employees want to know how they’re performing against your expectations. And regular feedback will not only motivate them to pursue those goals, but it will be yet another way you can show them the importance of open, honest, and kind communication within the team. 3. You’re a Coach – Not a Drill Sergeant One of the things which can make life miserable and give you a bad reputation is by viewing your employees as people you have to keep in check. Your job isn’t to crack the whip – it’s to motivate, inspire, and help them to grow. Doing so is one of the best ways to ensure your business continues to grow progressively. And it will keep the atmosphere comfortable, supportive and encouraging. How Salon POS Can Help You Better Manage Your Business It’s so much easier to achieve your goals if you use salon management tools, like salon POS software. How can salon management software help your business? Consider the following.
The Best Leaders Always Lead Their Team by Example As a business owner, the best thing you can do for your business is to lead your team by example. If your goal is to have better communication – make sure you improve your own communication skills. If you want a calm, drama-free environment – make sure your behavior promotes this environment. We’ve seen a lot of business owners experience a rocky start to their business. But by implementing positive management tips and utilizing helpful tools – like the best salon software – they’ve been able to turn things around. We know by taking these steps you, too, will be able to achieve success. Contact us today to find out more about how salon software can help your business! SMS Marketing with Top Salon Software - How to Do It Text messages have the highest open rate out of all marketing channels. More than 90% of messages are opened in the first couple of minutes after being received.Is email marketing or social media not bringing good enough results for your salon? Then you should give SMS marketing a try and integrate it with top salon software. Even though people are not texting that often, instead they use chatting apps, mobile users are still opening their text messages. Use this to your advantage by growing your business, keeping your clients happy and loyal. Here are our best tips for using SMS marketing. 1. RemindersSending your clients an SMS which will remind them about their upcoming appointment will make their life easier. And yours as well. You will not only reduce no-shows, but you will also be able to fill in any gaps if clients cancel appointments. At the same time, you can remind your clients to book an appointment with your salon. It's important not to send them too soon, or they'll think you're pushy. It's recommended to wait a few weeks until you send them this SMS. 2. BirthdaysEveryone wants to look good and be spoiled for their birthday. With top salon software, you can keep track of your clients' birthdays and send them something special for this day. Don't wait until the actual birthday date. Instead, send the SMS a few days in advance so that they can actually take advantage of the offer you've prepared for them. Sending them a message with a sincere wish is just as good 3. Salon NewsIf your salon has a special program during the holidays, then it's best to let your clients know about this. Not everyone will check out your Facebook page to see whether you're open or not so keep your clients informed with a simple SMS. Another great thing you can do with top salon software is to send promotions. However, don't send out text messages in bulk. Otherwise, people will consider it spam. Filter your most responsive clients and send only to a designated target an offer which will cater to their needs. The limited availability of the offer should be presented clearly to entice clients to act on it. 4. Fill Empty SlotsClients will cancel appointments on the last minute. It happens. While you can't avoid this, you can, however, fill these empty slots by simply sending an SMS. Target those particular clients who expressed their interest in booking an appointment in the past couple of weeks or so. You can also send out an SMS to clients who haven't paid you a visit in quite some time. If you're lucky, you can reactivate them, especially if you give them a significant discount as well. Top Salon Software and SMS Marketing Go Hand in HandIf you've never tried SMS marketing before, then we recommend you to do it and see what you think.
With our text messaging solution, you can do all of the things we mentioned in this article plus more. You can get it from here for free. As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Not only do you have to take care of your salon clientele, you have to take care of your employees and independent contractors who rent from you. You also have to worry about making sure your business is turning a profit while finding ways to streamline your work. For many business owners like you, the idea of backing up their data is important – but it’s not something they always follow through with. Unfortunately, this can be disastrous for your business. Today, we’ll show you why protecting your business data with regular backups of your salon POS system is so important. Why a Backup Plan for Your Salon POS System Is So Important
Recently, we had a client who lost a whole year of data because of hard drive issues. As you can imagine, learning their data couldn’t be retrieved was a tough pill for them to swallow. This is why we constantly encourage our clients to back up the data on their salon management software. You may think you’re too small to worry about data backup and recovery – but every business needs to have a backup plan in place. All your information – both personal and company files – should be backed up as regularly as possible. This way, if there is an issue with your files, the data lost will be minimal. Plus, you won’t have to worry about the cost of putting your business on hold just to get your files and salon management software back up and running. Cloud services allow real-time backup, but if you want solid backup protection, you should back up your files offline. This means keeping a copy of all your information on a backup drive. Business owners don’t just have to worry about losing their data because of a computer system crash. These days, the threat of cyber security breaches is very real, and it should be of concern to individuals as well as businesses. When you use an offline backup drive, your files will be even more secured – both from loss and theft. Ways to Back Up Your Vital Business Data There are basically two ways to back up your salon POS system – an offline backup drive and the cloud backup option. Below are details to help make the decision of which backup your business needs a bit easier. 1. Offline Backup Drive Offline backups make it easy to access the information you’ve lost. It’s also a fast way to access that information. Most of the time, gaining access to your information from an offline drive will be much faster than cloud storage. Another benefit of offline drives is they tend to be small and easy to store or carry. You can take them home with you so if anything happened at work (fire or theft, for example) – you can be assured your files are safe. We find a lot of salon owners like the security of an offline device. They don’t have to worry about anyone hacking into their backup and snooping into their files. 2. Cloud Backups Cloud backups are extremely popular right now, and for good reason. With all your important files in the cloud, you can access them from anywhere and on any device instead of having to carry a thumb drive around with you. People love the efficiency and reliability of cloud backups. However, one of the downsides of this type of backup is it can take a while to access all your information if you have a lot of it to download. Protect Your Salon Management Software Backing up your files is vital to the security of your salon. It will save you a lot of time, money, and frustration if you encounter an issue with your hard drive. Don’t leave things to chance. Find the best way to back up your data – and then put that plan into practice. Would you like to learn more about how we can help you protect your important business records? Contact us today to find out more about our backup systems and which is best for your needs. Over the years, we’ve found every spa or salon business owner is continually looking for ways to achieve business success. We’re not going to lie – we look for the best ways to achieve success, too! We discovered it’s incredibly helpful to implement business practices which are proven to produce successful results. Through our journey and those of our customers, we’ve learned there are three tried and true keys to spa business success. This includes, of course, utilizing the top salon software. But success definitely goes beyond salon management software. Salon Management Software and Other Tips for Salon Success When salon owners start implementing these tips for salon success, they see a quick and steady increase in the number of quality employees and satisfied customers. 1. Find the Best Staff, Then Make Sure You Keep Them One of the best tips for success is to hire the best people. When salon and spa owners hire people – whether they’re appointment coordinators, nail techs, or estheticians – they should look for people who have the skills needed to get the job done well. Potential employees should also have a personality which is conducive to a happy, productive work environment. Hiring someone with a great personality will help clients feel comfortable, and they’ll look forward to coming in for their appointments. Hiring someone who creates any sort of palpable drama will send clients running. Once a spa or salon owner has found the perfect employee – they need to do all they can to keep them there. Granted, circumstances change and people will have to leave from time to time. But for the most part, providing employee perks (like regular training), bonuses, and a nice environment to work in) leaves employers with well-rooted employees. 2. Stay Organized with the Top Salon Software Now, onto our favorite subject – the top salon software on the market! Salon management software is a great tool for spas and salons. This software isn’t just something to utilize for scheduling either. It can be used to help with the business side of things by generating monthly reports. These reports help business owners set reasonable goals, and track their progress. When you invest in spa scheduling software, it is important to invest in training and hardware which is compatible with your management software. Doing so will ensure smooth working conditions and less frustration over tech issues. Implementing changes can be difficult. We find there are still many spa owners and employees who prefer the use of a paper appointment book. Unfortunately, these books can pose a hazard to a salon owner’s schedule. It is so easy to mark off the wrong days or times, get providers mixed up, and double book clients. With salon and spa scheduling software, these types of mistakes are few and far between. Once a salon owner makes the decision to use this type of software, it’s important they set the example. They can’t expect the employees to take to the changes if the owner doesn’t. This applies to nearly every change made in a spa – from trying new products to utilizing the top salon software. Be patient - change takes time. But with help from our training consultants, everyone – employees and employer alike – will quickly learn how to use the new software. 3. Give Your Customers Some Offers They Can’t Resist We can’t leave the clients out of the equation. A satisfied customer is one of the greatest tools in a salon owners’ arsenal. The best way to satisfy clients is to provide them with unbelievable service. Another way to delight customers is by providing offers – like loyalty rewards/points – giving them extra incentive to keep scheduling appointments. Salon Management Software Will Help Your Business Thrive We really enjoy helping spa and salon owners achieve the success they desire. Through the use of our top salon software, we’ve witnessed salon growth – including new customers and thoroughly satisfied, loyal, long-term clients. Our salon management software can help you, too! With this software, you can keep track of each and every client, loyalty rewards, marketing efforts, and yes – your schedule. Investing in spa scheduling software and implementing our other tips for success will give you the opportunity to watch your business grow year after year. Is it time for you to invest in a new salon management software? Contact us to find out which software, hardware, training or support systems will work best for your business. You already know this: Your clients are the lifeblood of your business. If you've established a solid base of loyal customers for your salon, you're probably worried they will balk if you bump up your prices. It's something many owners fear, even if their businesses provide enough value to justify the price increase. Investing in highly-efficient salon management software can help you successfully implement a price rising strategy without losing clients. If that's something you'd like to know more about, then you should keep on reading 1. Let Clients Know about Price Changes in AdvanceMost people are not comfortable with change, especially if it involves them spending more money on the same services. Consider informing your regulars in advance about any price changes that will occur at your salon. Thanks to our software's automation feature, this won't be hard to do, nor will it take a lot of time. You or your staff can quickly send out emails and SMS messages to your clients to outline any changes. You can use the same feature to later send "Thank You" messages to show your appreciation and make your customers feel important. 2. Justify the Price Increase by Offering Excellent ServicesThe best way to stop clients from walking away when elevating your prices is to overdeliver. In other words, offer the best possible experience in your salon. Investing in salon management software can help you deliver the highest service level. This way, your clients won't resent the price increase. With our software, you'll be able to:\ Create complex profiles for your customers. Recording client details will improve your salon marketing. All customer records will be securely stored, so you won't have to worry about putting their sensitive information at risk. Better manage appointments. Your staff will be able to send emails to remind clients of their appointments. Also, they will be able to create multiple bookings easy and fast.\ Track your inventory. Not knowing exactly what products you have in stock, or what you require to order them and when to do it will lower the service quality and lead to embarrassing situations. Your clients won't be too happy if a product they want is out of stock and will protest against your price increases.\ Making sure your customers are beyond satisfied with your services is the best way to ensure they will accept higher prices. 3. Analyze Your StrategyWith our salon management software, you'll be able to get detailed reports about your business. SalonTouch offers over 250 reports, many of which can be exported to Excel, Word and more. Gaining insight into your business will help you make informed business decisions. You'll be able to hone your price-raising strategy according to facts, and not just assumptions. You'll get a better idea of what works and what doesn't, and easily figure out your next steps. Want to Put Our Salon Management Software to the Test?Done right, a price-raising strategy can help you take your business to the next level and increase your profits.
As long as you can offer a certain standard of quality, your clients will support any changes that will occur at your salon. This article has shown you some of the perks of using the right salon management software. What's next? Request a personalized demo today and start experiencing these benefits right away. Today's most successful salons have changed the way they run their business over the years. The salons that used to be 100% UV are now a blend of the more healthy services people are looking for. UV tanning still has a place but tanning alone is not enough to sustain a business long term. SalonTouch offers the most features of any software on the market today to help you diversify. So, let’s get started. ![]() Step 1. Review which UV beds are generating the most money and are used the most. This is simple to do in SalonTouch by running a report. Keep the most profitable beds and move out the rest. ![]() Step2. Drive around your area and just see how many salons are within a few miles of your location. You may be disappointed to learn that there are many more than you may have thought. These should be considered all your competition because all they need to do is add a couple UV beds to go along with their other services. Look at Planet Beach for example. They offer at least 2 UV beds with their $20 per month membership (for free). I know where I go these are high end beds. 1 high pressure and 1 stand-up. They make it easy for your customers to leave you and join them. Why? Because they offer more than type of service. ![]() Step 3. Go undercover and visit some of these salons as a potential customer. Ask them questions about the services they offer. Get a price list. Ask them what services do their clients like the most. Even try a service or two to see how you like it. Step 4: Out with the old and in with the new. Think about removing all the less profitable UV beds from your salon and adding new services based on your “undercover” work. Here are some ideas to consider: Cryotherapy Cryotherapy consists of sitting in a cold chamber that exposes those within to subzero temperatures. The temperature can get as low as -160 degrees Fahrenheit. Customers are exposed to those cold temperatures for about three minutes. |
The first step in any serious marketing campaign is always about understanding who your potential customers are. Step “1a” might be figuring out where you can find them. In order for a marketing campaign to connect with an audience of potential customers, two parties must be present—the audience and the business. Nearly 80% of the U.S. population has a social media profile. If you’re a salon or spa owner, you can count on the majority of your target audience having multiple social media profiles. |

It’s obvious where your audience is.
Where are you?
It may be true that almost all sales occur in-store for salons, spas, and tanning salons. However, the bulk of successful brand engagement happens online. A social media presence is absolutely imperative for this reason.
Be sure though, that you make use of platforms that your customers actually use. There are certain social media sites that are crucial for salons and spas for different reasons.
Facebook, for instance, offers a variety of advertising features that allow you to target people based on demographics and even personal interests. This works out great as Facebook is so popular with the tanning crowd and is a great lead-in for other digital mediums such as email.
As time passes, social media platforms are going to continue to develop tools for businesses to more effectively connect with their markets.
Where are you?
It may be true that almost all sales occur in-store for salons, spas, and tanning salons. However, the bulk of successful brand engagement happens online. A social media presence is absolutely imperative for this reason.
Be sure though, that you make use of platforms that your customers actually use. There are certain social media sites that are crucial for salons and spas for different reasons.
Facebook, for instance, offers a variety of advertising features that allow you to target people based on demographics and even personal interests. This works out great as Facebook is so popular with the tanning crowd and is a great lead-in for other digital mediums such as email.
As time passes, social media platforms are going to continue to develop tools for businesses to more effectively connect with their markets.
The messaging of any marketing campaign should fit your target audience perfectly. Once you’ve identified your target audience, begin adapting your message to the market. Hone in on those you want to target. Cater to their wants and needs, but also to the language they use. And don’t forget to give them good reason to choose you over the competition. Your salon might do well with a classy approach: beauty tips and images for your portfolio. Or your spa might do well with inspiring quotes and a virtual tour. If you own a tanning salon, you probably want to focus on a younger crowd with a playful, pop-culture tone. In the end, it’s on you to figure out what will resonate with your audience. The more research you do up front the better. Still, you’ll see later that a degree of flexibility is needed to maximize effectiveness long-term. |

This is where the return on investment is realized (or not).
Promotion is an absolutely vital aspect of social media marketing that can help salons and spas drive revenue. Individual promotions can maintain a constant point of contact between businesses and their clients.
Social media sites—and the business pages you can create for yourself from within—are a great medium to offer discounts from. Social media promotion can be extremely effective for special events and limited time offers alike.
You can get people on your website, on your email list, or in the door through social media. Discounts or other rewards work great. But simply inviting people in itself can work better than you would expect, granted your calls-to-action are done well enough.
Regardless, social media is one of the best possible sound boards for your brand. There are few mediums as versatile and intimate.
Promotion is an absolutely vital aspect of social media marketing that can help salons and spas drive revenue. Individual promotions can maintain a constant point of contact between businesses and their clients.
Social media sites—and the business pages you can create for yourself from within—are a great medium to offer discounts from. Social media promotion can be extremely effective for special events and limited time offers alike.
You can get people on your website, on your email list, or in the door through social media. Discounts or other rewards work great. But simply inviting people in itself can work better than you would expect, granted your calls-to-action are done well enough.
Regardless, social media is one of the best possible sound boards for your brand. There are few mediums as versatile and intimate.

This is one of the real keys to having effective social campaigns long term.
You never want to neglect what is working, but don’t get stagnant with your efforts. Keep doing what guarantees you new business but also be on the lookout for new ways to build exposure for your brand and drive revenue.
Any marketing campaign you run can be split tested in one way or another to find ways to make it more effective. That’s one reason why we always recommend a scientific marketing approach for salons and spas.
Sometimes, the right title or call to action can make all the difference. You’ll also want to test different methods across different platforms to see whether your various audiences respond differently. You can even fashion specific messages for subsets of your demographic.
Finally, don’t forget to account for the fact that social media sites are constantly developing new ways to offer specialized services to businesses. As they compete with each other, new options are going to continue to open up.
Experiment with tactics you don’t see the competition using. Follow local trends. And if you see a possible opening for your brand, go for it.
You never want to neglect what is working, but don’t get stagnant with your efforts. Keep doing what guarantees you new business but also be on the lookout for new ways to build exposure for your brand and drive revenue.
Any marketing campaign you run can be split tested in one way or another to find ways to make it more effective. That’s one reason why we always recommend a scientific marketing approach for salons and spas.
Sometimes, the right title or call to action can make all the difference. You’ll also want to test different methods across different platforms to see whether your various audiences respond differently. You can even fashion specific messages for subsets of your demographic.
Finally, don’t forget to account for the fact that social media sites are constantly developing new ways to offer specialized services to businesses. As they compete with each other, new options are going to continue to open up.
Experiment with tactics you don’t see the competition using. Follow local trends. And if you see a possible opening for your brand, go for it.

“Retargeting” is one of those new-fangled Internet marketing terms that typically refers to the strategy of continued advertising to users who have already clicked on one of your ads.
Here though, we want to repurpose the definition to “marketing to people who are already interested in your brand or have purchased your services before. Social media offers huge opportunities to do this.
Sure, one of those opportunities is in fact pay per click (PPC) retargeting via facebook advertising. But you don’t have to spend advertising dollars to connect with past clients on social media and market to them.
Plus, anyone who is following your brand on a social media network has already shown interest with that simple gesture. Remember to customize these messages based on their past experience and test different approaches even with those already familiar with your brand.
New leads are certainly the lifeblood of any small business but the majority of salons, spas, and tanning salons could see significant revenue increases by maximizing returns from the fans they already have.
Here though, we want to repurpose the definition to “marketing to people who are already interested in your brand or have purchased your services before. Social media offers huge opportunities to do this.
Sure, one of those opportunities is in fact pay per click (PPC) retargeting via facebook advertising. But you don’t have to spend advertising dollars to connect with past clients on social media and market to them.
Plus, anyone who is following your brand on a social media network has already shown interest with that simple gesture. Remember to customize these messages based on their past experience and test different approaches even with those already familiar with your brand.
New leads are certainly the lifeblood of any small business but the majority of salons, spas, and tanning salons could see significant revenue increases by maximizing returns from the fans they already have.
Remain Consistent.
It’s pretty darn simple:
You’ve got to keep it up.
Your social media presence has to be consistent for your efforts to yield lasting results. Otherwise you’ll fall by the wayside. Oftentimes, you’ll end up doing more harm to your brand than good.
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all use algorithms to put together individual news feeds for users. Factors like your activity level and the popularity of your posts has serious impact on whose news feed you do or don’t show up in.
The flow of information on social media sites is fast paced and constant. To stay relevant, you’ve got to stay active. Moreover, online marketing becomes more and more effective as you build brand equity over time. You may not move the needle at first, but you have to stay with it.
Consistent doesn’t mean repetitive or boring. Get creative with promotional material and offerings to entice your audience. Remember, testing should be just as consistent as every other step.
It usually just comes down to making time for social media marketing and everything that goes with it.
You’ve got to keep it up.
Your social media presence has to be consistent for your efforts to yield lasting results. Otherwise you’ll fall by the wayside. Oftentimes, you’ll end up doing more harm to your brand than good.
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all use algorithms to put together individual news feeds for users. Factors like your activity level and the popularity of your posts has serious impact on whose news feed you do or don’t show up in.
The flow of information on social media sites is fast paced and constant. To stay relevant, you’ve got to stay active. Moreover, online marketing becomes more and more effective as you build brand equity over time. You may not move the needle at first, but you have to stay with it.
Consistent doesn’t mean repetitive or boring. Get creative with promotional material and offerings to entice your audience. Remember, testing should be just as consistent as every other step.
It usually just comes down to making time for social media marketing and everything that goes with it.
If you take the first five steps we’ve laid out here and repeat them consistently, your salon or spa will certainly see benefits from social media marketing.
Every step is important, as they all work together to ensure you actually connect with your audience in a way that has potential to get results over the long term.
Remember, social media marketing is a long-term strategy that can help propel modern businesses into the future. On the other hand, it also creates the very real possibility (or maybe probability) for others to get left behind.
One of the best things you can do for your salon, spa, or tanning salon is to get a good grip on the basics of social media marketing and dedicate resources put the above steps into place.
If you’re looking for proven and effective marketing advice for your tanning salon, you can find a wealth of resources on our blog. Or, if you’re interested to see how Salon Touch Studios’ software can help you pull off more effective social media campaigns, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Every step is important, as they all work together to ensure you actually connect with your audience in a way that has potential to get results over the long term.
Remember, social media marketing is a long-term strategy that can help propel modern businesses into the future. On the other hand, it also creates the very real possibility (or maybe probability) for others to get left behind.
One of the best things you can do for your salon, spa, or tanning salon is to get a good grip on the basics of social media marketing and dedicate resources put the above steps into place.
If you’re looking for proven and effective marketing advice for your tanning salon, you can find a wealth of resources on our blog. Or, if you’re interested to see how Salon Touch Studios’ software can help you pull off more effective social media campaigns, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
The PCI Council defines tokenization as "a process by which the primary account number (PAN) is replaced with a surrogate value called a token. De-tokenization is the reverse process of redeeming a token for its associated PAN value. The security of an individual token relies predominantly on the infeasibility of determining the original PAN knowing only the surrogate value". Two things should be considered when moving to tokens. First, you are providing your clients with the highest-level of data security and second, you are protecting your business in the event of a data breach. Now, let’s explain how this relates to a business owner.
Tokenization is a process that creates a “token” for each credit card and then replaces the credit card data with an associated token. For businesses that do recurring billing, tokens can be safely stored on your local computer instead of the client’s actual credit card number. This method of storing credit cards eliminates the worries of PCI compliancy. For businesses that accept credit cards and especially for those that offer monthly services which require recurring billing, tokenizing is a must. Tokens have no meaning by themselves and are worthless to hackers if a company’s system is breached in any way. Each token is uniquely generated and there is no way to regain the original credit card number from the token itself. |
Obtaining tokens is a simple procedure. If you currently store credit numbers, converting them to tokens will depend on your merchant processor, but in general the process is simplistic.
Many merchants have found tokenization to be less expensive, easier to use and more secure than end-to-end encryption. Because tokenization replaces the storage of sensitive cardholder data, the liability and costs that merchants often associate with PCI compliance is dramatically reduced.
Tokenization is an easier and much better solution to accepting and processing credit cards than encryption and having to follow the complex PCI guidelines.
Does your website get a thumbs down? | Having been in the computer industry since the mid 1980's, it is fair to say that I have seen a lot of growth and changes throughout the years. The emergence of Windows, computers, touchscreens, multi-media, all of it has come a long way. Unfortunately, not everything in the computer world has done the same. I have seen and still do see websites that look like they were developed in the 1990’s. They are not mobile friendly, awkward to navigate and dare I say not pretty at all? Some statistics indicate that 75% or more of website visitors will never contact a business if their website is outdated. I know I am one of them. Are you? |
As member of the salon community, you are in the “appearance” business. You make your client’s look and feel great. It’s all about impressions. If a visitor were to go to your website right now, what do you think their impression would be? I visited a client’s website a couple months ago and I was astonished on how rudimentary and quite frankly, unappealing the website was. It was flat out ugly. I know they run a highly successful salon but you would never know that by looking at their website and that is the reason I decide to write this short blog. Creating a beautiful website is quite easy and it can be done fast with very little money. You do not need a web developer or even a graphic artist. You can do it yourself or hire a high school kid at a low rate. The tools are all out there for you to create a dazzling website. |
Where to start.
Two option options I am familiar with are Weebly and Wix. I personally like Weebly as I have used them for a number of years but they all, for the most part, work the same. Drag and drop. Doesn’t get any easier than that.
Some ways to make a dazzling website
- Choose the style that best meet your needs. When you use one of these DIY website builders, you can choose from a vast array of styles.
- Chose a color scheme that matches your salon’s color scheme. Having everything tied together creates a nice synergy.
- Think about what you want to post. Do you want to post client before and after pictures? Pictures of your equipment? Pictures of your employees? Pictures of both the inside and outside of your salon? All these can be done easily and using your phone, you can easily post small videos as well.
- Use eye catching images to give the user a great first impression. Not all images cost money. There are websites that provide free images and video. Pexels is one I have used in the past.
- Make sure your contact information is easily seen including your open and close times and days of the week you are opened and closed.
- Be sure the navigation is fluid and allows your visitors to easily find what they are looking for.
- If you accept appointments, be sure you have a way for the client to make an appointment online.
- Create employee profiles so your visitors know a little bit about your employees. Show their picture and some of the work they have.
- Finally, be sure there are no misspellings.
If you build it they will come.
You can create a website using Weebly or Wix for $20 a month or less. So there is no reason not to have a dazzling website. Building a better website will help attract new clients and potentially be great for your bottom line.
Please note that the websites mentioned in this blog are for reference purposes to help you get started.
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